
Workplace Age Discrimination, ADEA, Charge, Lawsuits, Retaliation

Age discrimination in the workplace takes various forms. A lawsuit of age discrimination initiates with a charge filed with an administrative agency such as the EEOC. After the administrative agency investigation, the employee is typically permitted to file suit in federal court or seek a hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). This page provides information to assist employers and employees in handling age discrimination charges and litigation.

  • Age Discrimination Overview [More...]
  • Proving Age Discrimination [More...]
  • Filing a Charge of Age Discrimination [More...]
  • Damages Available for Age Discrimination [More...]
  • Older Workers Benefit Protection Act of 1990 (OWBPA) [More...]
  • Age Discrimination Lawsuits - Litigation Steps [More...]
  • Web Resources for Age Discrimination [More...]

Employment: Overview  Frequently Asked Questions 

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