Here is a list of questions that an employment attorney may ask you during consultation:
- How long have you worked with the employer?
- Were you treated differently or harassed because of your age, sex, race, disability, pregnancy status, national origin or other illegal basis?
- Does your employer have a discrimination/harassment policy and have you read it?
- Have you reported the discrimination or harassment to management and/or your union?
- Have you followed your employer's policy in reporting the discrimination or harassment and other requirements?
- Did you participate or encourage the harassment or discrimination?
- After reporting the discrimination or harassment to management, did management take action to eliminate the problem ?
- Did the discrimination or harassment cease after you reported it?
- Was your complaint handled in an efficient and professional manner?
- Did anyone retaliate against you for complaining about the discrimination or harassment?
- Did you suffer any financial losses as a result of the discrimination? For example, lost wages, benefits, time at work, etc.
- Do you have any witness to the discrimination or harassment?
- How is your work performance otherwise?
- How do you think that the matter should be resolved?
Disclaimer: This checklist is only for informational purposes. It does not create an attorney/client relationship. The questionnaire items are only intended to help users prepare for consultation with attorneys or governmental agencies concerning their matters. The specific answers to these questions may not necessarily determine whether or not an individual has a viable case. Users need to consult with an attorney or governmental agency to pursue their matters.
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