
San Diego Bakery Charged for Hiring Undocumented Workers, Form I-9 Violations

April 21, 2010 - A San Diego Area-French bakery, its owner and manager have been charged in a 16-count indictment for hiring undocumented aliens as workers. The indictments resulted from an investigation by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) during which it found that the business knowingly hired undocumented workers. The indictment alleges that the defendants conspired to engage in a pattern or practice of hiring and continuing to employ unauthorized workers. Charges were also entered for making false statements and shielding undocumented alien employees from detection.

It is further alleged that the Defendants engaged in I-9 compliance violations by certifying that said undocumented workers presented documents showing eligibility to work even though they had received "no match" letters from the Social Security Administration (SSA). In addition to criminal penalties and a fine, the indictment seeks criminal forfeiture of proceeds gained from the corporation's unlawful activities.

pdf [Read The ICE News Release On the Indictment for Hiring Undocumented Workers]

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